A well boring log also called a borehole log, is used to document soil and rock formations and events during the well drilling process. Water companies use these logs to ascertain the suitability of the well and review the complete geological record of the site. We will cover some essential elements of Well Boring Logs on this page.

  • What do Well Boring Logs usually include?
  • What makes them so crucial to well drilling and management?
  • How does Fielda streamline the use of Well Boring Logs?

What Well Boring Logs typically include: Well-boring is conducted using different methods. During the process, inspectors document details, including the company or agency conducting the drilling, the exact location and coordinates of the well, the type of drill being used, the chosen drilling method, depth of drilling, bit type, and drilling medium, etc. Depending on the process of study used, the boring log contains detailed readings such as Spontaneous Potential (SP) logs which indicate the porosity or permeability of the geological formations. The well boring logs could also have Electrical Resistivity readings, which help determine if the water is fresh or salty based on the flow of electricity. Acoustic records may also be used. These document the behavior of sound waves and help determine the presence of water in the well.  

Why are these logs necessary: Well-boring logs help determine the viability of a well; whether there is sufficient water present at the site. They also help ascertain the suitability of the water and if the water needs additional treatment before use. In addition, well boring logs contain detailed readings that serve as the basis for environmental, geothermal, and geotechnical research, enabling companies to plan and manage the well once it’s functional. Finally, well-boring logs also help operations teams work out budgeting, drilling methods, drilling costs, timelines, and preventive measures needed during the well-boring process. 

How does Fielda enhance the use of Well Boring Logs: Well boring data consists of comprehensive scientific readings. The types and formats of data vary depending on the method adopted. Fielda helps well-boring companies efficiently manage these diverse information types and designs through simple custom digital forms. Photographs, videos, numbers, and graphical readings can easily be collected and uploaded into a central data repository in real-time. Using accurate GIS coordinates, boring agencies can track the exact location of the wells being drilled. Fielda also makes data sharing simple; drilling teams can share reports instantly with operations management teams for insights and rapid decisions during the boring process.   

Adapt: Tailor well boring logs to suit different research goals, drilling methods, and log formats

Access: Gather well boring log data in remote locations using Fielda’s offline data capture feature

Synergize: Share silo information with the team, business, and regulatory stakeholders for transparency and improved workflow management.  


About Fielda: Fielda helps companies manage and maintain their assets and gain real-time oversight of all tasks, workflows, and projects to improve operational efficiency, enhance team productivity and impact the bottom line. Whether it’s installations, inspections, repairs, replacement of parts, servicing and maintenance, or routine audits, with Fielda’s mobile data collection, GIS-enabled technology, automated and custom workflows, and analytics, you can eliminate errors, enhance response time, ease workflow bottlenecks, and simplify your field operations.

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