Water pipes reach usable, clean water to residential and commercial property residents. However, they require routine checks and maintenance to ensure they function correctly, enabling a safe and efficient water supply. Here are some highlights of the water pipe inspection process.

  • What does a typical water pipe inspection involve?
  • What makes these water pipe inspections vital to water supply companies and their consumers?
  • How does Fielda helps companies manage these water pipe inspections more effectively?

What do Water Pipe inspections include: Inspectors check water pipes to ensure they are of the approved materials. They contain the location of water service valves to provide easy identification and access for operations and maintenance work. They inspect the piping to see if corrosion protection has been applied and is intact. Also, this is vital to ensure the prevention of rusting and wear and tear. They also inspect the pipe joints to check for the appropriate material used and the quality of the installation. If water supply pipes and sewage pipes are in the same trench, they must ensure there is a minimum required distance between these pipes. Inspectors also conduct structural checks to ensure there is no pipe sagging, that they are free from leaks, and can handle the volume of water being supplied. 

Why are these inspections essential: Unless water pipes are regularly inspected and serviced, they can develop leaks, cracks, and blocks. These can have serious consequences, including contaminants getting into the water supply, mixing supply water with sewage, and significant water wastage. These complications can pose health risks to users, significantly increase repair and maintenance costs, and result in a loss of revenue for the supply companies. Water Pipe inspection checklists help water companies monitor pipes meticulously and ensure their proper upkeep.  

How Fielda’s helps in Water Pipe Inspections: Water companies need to monitor vast networks of water pipes involving complex inspection planning, repairs, parts replacement, and inventory management. Fielda makes this entire process of planning, scheduling, review, and reporting extremely simple. Inspectors capture field data through intuitive and customizable digital forms. Through digital workflow management, dashboards, and reports, managers can plan, allocate tasks, and review progress effortlessly. Compliance also becomes much more straightforward with documents and updates available in real-time at a button.

Adapt: Design inspection forms and workflow routines to suit the unique processes of your organization 

Access: View current and cumulative reports through seamless integration of Fielda with historic organizational data

Synergize: Simplify task assignment, staff allocation, and work order status tracking with automated process management.


About Fielda: Fielda helps companies manage and maintain their assets and gain real-time oversight of all tasks, workflows, and projects to improve operational efficiency, enhance team productivity and impact the bottom line. Whether it’s installations, inspections, repairs, replacement of parts, servicing and maintenance, or routine audits, with Fielda’s mobile data collection, GIS-enabled technology, automated and custom workflows, and analytics, you can eliminate errors, enhance response time, ease workflow bottlenecks, and simplify your field operations.

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