The benefits of using Oil & gas inspection app 

Across the oil and gas production process, fugitive emissions at various points can shortchange oil and gas companies and pose risks to safety. Mobile data collection in oil and gas plants helps companies keep a tab on components and processes to minimize fugitive emissions.  

Scale and scope: Oil and Gas plants and facilities span a vast series of processes, usually divided into Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream processes. Upstream processes include all the exploratory work before drilling and production. It also involves the production work, which means bringing the oil and natural gas resources to the surface. Midstream processes include transporting and storing crude oil and natural gas before they are processed into fuels. This means the entire network of transcontinental tankers, trucks, pipelines, etc. And finally, in the Downstream phase, crude oil and natural gas are processed into products like diesel, petrol, heating oils, kerosene, asphalt, etc. Across this colossal network of infrastructure, oil and gas companies must plan, deploy, operate, and maintain every asset and process meticulously. In addition, they rely on regular field data gathering, usually involving oil and gas inspection apps which helps in end-to-end field tracking. And one of the significant challenges oil and gas companies must address is fugitive emissions. On this page, we will discuss:

  • What are fugitive emissions?
  • How can fugitive emissions be reduced?
  • How Fielda, as an oil and gas mobile field service software can, help oil and gas companies lower fugitive emissions?

What are fugitive emissions: Fugitive emissions are usually leaks of gas or vapor from pressurized containers or equipment used typically in commercial processes. The oil and gas industry is the primary producer of fugitive emissions. And Methane is one of the most prominent gases found in fugitive emissions. When gases pass through production equipment, there is a certain amount of venting caused by the pneumatic controllers, and along with this, there are other incidental emissions. Since this has a significant impact on the safety of workers and people living in the neighborhood, oil and gas companies must keep tight control on fugitive emissions. 

There are also environmental factors involved. Oil and Gas companies are subject to several regulatory requirements at the central and state level. For instance, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandates that some organizations conduct semi-annual inspections for fugitive emissions. In addition, when sources of emissions are detected, repairs must be carried out within 30 days. These, among several other regulations, make it crucial for oil and gas companies to manage fugitive emissions effectively. Finally, there are the cost implications. Oil and gas companies lose an estimated $30 billion in fugitive emissions. It’s no wonder this is a significant area of concern for top executives. 

How can fugitive emissions be reduced? These are some factors that help companies manage their fugitive emissions better. 

Tracking, Maintenance, and Monitoring: Fugitive gas emissions depend on various factors, including equipment design and process specifics. Some oil and gas companies are switching the equipment and components used to reduce fugitive emissions. Some of these include non-venting regulators, electric actuators, pilots, controllers, and lever-operated liquid dump valves. Emissions are also factors of the type and frequency of inspections and maintenance initiatives carried out, the quality and age of the equipment in use, and parameters like metering requirements, compression or pumping requirements, etc. Mobile data collection in oil and gas plants enables them to manage this complex asset tracking, maintenance routines, and update of detailed logs to manage fugitive emissions better.

Leak Detection and Repair Policy: Leaks can occur from pumps, valves, connectors like flanges and fittings, compressors, pressure relief devices, and pipelines. Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) policies are subject to regulations laid down by industry and environmental bodies like National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) and New Source Performance Standards (NSPS). They stipulate the frequency of fugitive emissions and leaks inspections, timelines within which repairs, and remediation measures must be conducted to handle identified leaks. A sound LDAR program incorporates a plan to identify components for monitoring, define leaks, outline monitoring, repair parts, and maintain detailed records. Mobile Data collection in oil and gas plants enables them to create and implement a proper LDAR policy and ensure compliance and safety.

Environmental, Social & Corporate Governance (ESG): Many larger producers set ESG Goals (Environmental, Social & Governance) and set targets to reduce their natural gas emissions. These ESG strategies can be evaluated through specific parameters in the company’s capital allocation, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), etc. For instance, environmental parameters include how the oil and gas company manages greenhouses gases. Social performance scores evaluate, among other factors, the safety management protocols followed by the company. And governance looks at things like the transparency and reporting norms followed. Oil and gas companies need rigorous field monitoring through inspections, repairs and maintenance work, and metrics tracking. Mobile data collection helps companies manage this process digitally for convenience, scalability, and efficiency.

Fielda – Enabling Fugitive Emissions Reduction: As we’ve seen, for oil and gas companies to manage their fugitive emissions effectively, they need to proactively gather field data from different sections of the process and a wide variety of equipment. In addition, inspections must be conducted, repairs completed on time, and proper records maintained for internal review and regulatory reporting. Fielda simplifies field inspections with customizable forms, checklists, and menus. Data can be collected digitally via a simple interface in just a few clicks. In addition, necessary evidence such as photos, videos, documents can be uploaded from the mobile device, making all inspection, repairs, and service data collection effortless. 

Geared for the unique challenges of Oil and Gas: Fielda is also geared explicitly for some of the specific challenges of the oil and gas industry. One of them is the sheer number and spread of assets across large areas. Fielda’s GIS capability makes it possible for managers to map their assets using accurate geospatial data. Feld staff can visualize these assets and track them accurately by location-based. Another challenge is the remote location of some assets. Fielda also helps field staff capture data in remote areas through its offline data collection ability. And finally, when all this data gathering must translate into insight, Fielda helps consolidate information in real-time, giving management teams a clear view of operations and red flags which need attention. 

Connect with us: Companies like Rockyview Gas Co-op and Minco Gas Co-op leverage Fielda to curb their fugitive emissions for better safety and compliance. Talk to us to find out how we can help your organization; we’re more than happy to schedule a walk-through and product demo!