Solid waste includes various types of material, such as infectious waste from hospitals and industrial waste from processing items like rubber, plastic, and metal. These waste materials require specific handling and disposal procedures. Therefore, regular inspections are conducted to ensure that facilities correctly handle, store, and dispose of them. In this post, we will discuss about Solid Waste Management:  

  • What do solid waste inspection checklists include?
  • Why are such inspections needed regularly for waste generators? 
  • How does Fielda help streamline solid waste inspections for ease and efficiency? 

What do solid waste inspection checklists include: A typical solid waste management inspection checklist focuses on how the solid waste is stored, sorted, and disposed of. They check essential hygiene factors such as whether the collection bins are adequate for the waste quantities being generated and if the storage bins are in good condition, appropriately labeled, emptied regularly, and managed properly by respective teams. Inspectors also check if the waste is sorted correctly according to the type of material and if the storage area is well maintained, sufficiently ventilated, and free of odor. They also audit processes regarding safety; for instance, if waste handling staff use proper PPE and are trained to handle the waste safely. 

Why are such inspections needed regularly for waste generators: Organizations generating waste must comply with waste disposal regulations outlined by The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). These include guidelines on how solid waste must be collected, stored, transported, and disposed of. Failure to comply with these norms can result in penalties, significant health hazards, and potential damage to the environment. Regular inspections help companies stay on track and ensure the proper practices for solid waste management. 

How does Fielda help streamline solid waste inspections: Auditing waste management practices, especially across extensive facilities, can pose several challenges. It involves tracking department-wise data, various waste storage areas, transport facilities, and procedures followed. Gaps must be highlighted immediately to avoid a health crisis or risk of injury. Fielda helps simplify the entire process of field data collection. Its advanced GIS capability ensures inspectors can easily map and track assets within and across different facilities. Inspections can also involve cumbersome data gathering regarding waste types and disposal plans such as composting, landfills, incineration, or recycling. This can make paper-based data collection extremely difficult to manage with the vast amount of regular field information being collected. Fielda eliminates manual inspection forms and reduces the scope for data loss, errors, and delays in data processing. In addition, with instant reports, field staff can stay informed and take action in real-time.

Capture: Bolster field inspection observations with images, maps, and video footage as needed

Review: Instantly assess inspection status, issues raised, and remediation plans via Fielda’s dashboards and metrics 

Comply: Ensure regulatory compliance with efficient inspection planning, scheduling, implementation, and reporting  


About Fielda: Fielda helps companies manage and maintain their assets and gain real-time oversight of all tasks, workflows, and projects to improve operational efficiency, enhance team productivity and impact the bottom line. Whether it’s installations, inspections, repairs, replacement of parts, servicing and maintenance, or routine audits, with Fielda’s mobile data collection, GIS-enabled technology, automated and custom workflows, and analytics, you can eliminate errors, enhance response time, ease workflow bottlenecks, and simplify your field operations.

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