With the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) got established to enable safe working conditions for employers and minimize risks in working environments. OSHA Compliance Assessment Inspections ensure that organizations adhere to the stipulated mandates, worker protection, and safety guidelines. Here we’ll discuss some highlights about these kinds of inspections.

  • What do OSHA Compliance Assessment Inspections usually cover?
  • What is the significance of OSHA Compliance Assessment Inspections?
  • What makes Fielda ideal for these crucial inspections?

What they cover: OSHA Compliance Assessment inspections are specific to industries and worksites based on the risks they pose. However, these inspections generally cover a detailed review of safety sign boards, permits, records, health and safety programs implemented, first aid training and access to emergency medical facilities, etc. They also look at fire protection systems, employee protective gear and equipment, and several other site-related specifics, from the entrance and exit points to handling air circulation and hazardous materials.

What is the significance of OSHA Compliance Assessment Inspections: No matter what industry it is, from oil and gas to electricity supply and telecom to manufacturing, workers face many risks. These risks could come from the environment they work in, the tools and equipment they use, or the toxic substances. When safety norms are not in place and monitored regularly, employees are exposed to greater risk to life and limb. Worksites also become more accident-prone. As a result, businesses can suffer huge losses and open themselves up to complaints, lawsuits, and penalties from regulatory bodies. 

Fielda’s OSHA Compliance Assessment Inspection Checklists: With a massive scope of work and the criticality of the job involved, inspectors need the most straightforward, fastest, most convenient way to gather data, share information and initiate action. Fielda’s no-code capability makes it easy to deploy at the organizational level. For inspectors on the field, it offers the flexibility to capture the wide variety of data needed based on industry and worksite specifics. And data captured is stored securely on the cloud in real-time. This enables a consolidated view of information to initiate remediation and action immediately.   

Reach: Access the most inaccessible work sites in far-flung areas through offline data capture.

Record: Gather comprehensive inspection data on mobile devices via simple menus, checklists, and forms in a few clicks.

Rationalize: Enable rapid action and correction to ensure a safe and compliant workforce.


About Fielda: Fielda helps companies manage and maintain their assets and gain real-time oversight of all tasks, workflows, and projects to improve operational efficiency, enhance team productivity and impact the bottom line. Whether it’s installations, inspections, repairs, replacement of parts, servicing and maintenance, or routine audits, with Fielda’s mobile data collection, GIS-enabled technology, automated and custom workflows, and analytics, you can eliminate errors, enhance response time, ease workflow bottlenecks, and simplify your field operations.

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