Oil and gas pipelines transport crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids across hundreds, and even thousands, of miles between production wells, refineries, and distribution stations. Their upkeep is vital not only for smooth day-to-day operations but also to ensure safety and regulatory compliance. A pipeline inspection checklist helps oil and gas companies maintain this essential infrastructure network for optimum performance and business efficiency.

Here we will examine some of the critical themes in Pipeline inspection:

  • What does an inspector usually look for in a pipeline inspection?
  • Why are Pipeline inspections necessary for oil and gas companies?
  • What makes Fielda ideally suited for enabling the smooth conduct of Pipeline inspections?

What Inspectors look for: Pipelines must withstand harsh conditions, exposure to the elements, and varying temperature and pressure. Inspectors conduct exterior and interior inspections, looking for cracks that may occur axially or circumferentially, checking the cleanliness of the pipes, and assessing the corrosion level and risks. They inspect aspects like the ground clamps, wear and tear, the joining and welding condition, tracer wires, etc. They also check the pipe seams and bending according to allowed standards and assess the state of installed meters and regulators.

Why Pipeline Inspection is so critical: Pipelines are prone to damage and leaks, and these can cause accidents or explosions. Poorly maintained pipelines can adversely affect employees’ health, which in turn can result in potential legal complications, employee lawsuits, etc. Damaged pipelines can impact the environment as well.

Pipelines also need to be maintained according to regulatory standards from bodies such as the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) or the Office of Pipeline Safety. Inspections help address these needs and, through pre-emptive upkeep, ensure lower operational costs and improved efficiency.

Benefits of Fielda’s Inspection Checklists: Fielda has offline data capture capability, a critical oil and gas industry feature. It enables inspections in remote and far-out regions where connectivity is poor or absent. Inspectors can collect data offline and synchronize when connectivity is available. All data is seamlessly integrated in real-time, enabling complete oversight of pipeline inspection information and rapid decision making. In addition, inspection checklists are easily customizable, and operations teams can design workflows according to their unique organization protocols.

Pre-empt: Gather timely inspection data to enable proactive maintenance.

Optimize: Address identified issues before they escalate and impact the entire pipeline network.

Consolidate: Seamlessly integrate data from various geographical locations for business insight and action.


About Fielda: Fielda helps companies manage and maintain their assets and gain real-time oversight of all tasks, workflows, and projects to improve operational efficiency, enhance team productivity and impact the bottom line. Whether it’s installations, inspections, repairs, replacement of parts, servicing and maintenance, or routine audits, with Fielda’s mobile data collection, GIS-enabled technology, automated and custom workflows, and analytics, you can eliminate errors, enhance response time, ease workflow bottlenecks, and simplify your field operations.

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