The National Center designed the Rapid Building and Site Condition Assessment form for Preservation Technology and Training, an office of the National Park Service, to assess the fitness of buildings and construction sites. These forms are part of mandatory audits to ensure safety and take necessary action based on inspection findings.   

Here we will review a few highlights of Rapid Building and Site Condition Assessments:

  • During Rapid Building and Site Condition Assessments, what do inspectors look for?
  • Why are these audits vital to building owners, residents, and government departments?
  • How does Fielda make the use of Rapid Building and Site Condition Assessment forms faster and easier?

What do inspectors look for: The Rapid Building and Site Condition Assessment checklist includes basic property descriptors such as the building or site name, location, type of construction, number of stories, and the purpose. Inspectors document the building’s age, roofing type, foundation, exterior characteristics, fencing, and landscaping features. They also note if the property is an archaeological site and has historical value. Rapid Building and Site Condition Assessment forms are also used to audit flooding occurrences. Inspectors use them to list details such as the nature of water, the depth of flooding, and any sediment deposits and site erosion. They include evaluating the building and site to identify risks and repairs needed and suggest any other course of action or remediation.  

Why are these audits vital: Rapid Building and Site Condition Assessments are necessary to ensure that civil bodies and property management firms keep a pulse on the infrastructure condition and document their findings. These records are archived for reference and can be reviewed when needed for planning and maintenance-related decisions. They also act as vital records for insurance claims and regulatory compliance. Using inspection data, managers conduct repairs, pre-empt risks to life and property, and decide if re-inspections are needed for more detailed analysis. 

How does Fielda enhance the use of Rapid Building and Site Condition Assessment Forms: Inspections span many buildings from offices to museums and sites from construction projects to religious locations and cemeteries. Inspectors often add photographic or video evidence of observations and sketches, maps, or other documents as part of their reports. Fielda makes this entire process extremely simple through its intuitive digital forms. These can be customized, and inspectors can upload documents and files along with the form in a single seamless process. Fielda makes consolidating and archiving data very easy through completely digital data capture and management. As a result, inspectors can instantly generate reports and easily monitor repairs and remedial action. 

Collect: Complete Rapid Building and Site Condition Assessment forms in minutes with custom digital forms and instant document upload

Share: Use silo information to update maintenance teams on actions required 

Manage: Ensure regulatory compliance, review status updates, and enable meticulous task tracking  


About Fielda: Fielda helps companies manage and maintain their assets and gain real-time oversight of all tasks, workflows, and projects to improve operational efficiency, enhance team productivity and impact the bottom line. Whether it’s installations, inspections, repairs, replacement of parts, servicing and maintenance, or routine audits, with Fielda’s mobile data collection, GIS-enabled technology, automated and custom workflows, and analytics, you can eliminate errors, enhance response time, ease workflow bottlenecks, and simplify your field operations.

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