Besides natural gas, electricity, and water, compressed air is considered the fourth major utility in industrial application. It is widely used to power various tools and equipment and accounts for about one-tenth of electricity usage in industry. Therefore, compressed air system need rigorous testing before they are used. In this post, we will discuss the following:  

  • What a typical compressed air system commissioning report aims to achieve
  • Why these tests are crucial to the proper functioning of compressed air equipment
  • How Fielda helps inspectors manage these commissioning reports more effectively 

What do compressed air system commissioning reports focus on: Problems usually occur in compressed air systems because of faulty system design, poor integration of components, or incomplete commissioning. During commissioning testing, inspectors check the entire system and each piece to ensure they function as per specifications and make adjustments and calibrations for optimal performance. They also document performance and component configuration readings. Checklists include electrical and mechanical tests of electrical wiring and connections, power validation for all components, etc. Inspectors also check to ensure piping is done correctly with pipes of the correct sizes and assess the condition of valves and drains. Automated compressor interface wiring and network connections are also checked for proper wire termination. 

What makes these reports so important: Compressed air system powers large pneumatic machines, handheld tools, and transport mechanisms in manufacturing processes. Besides the fact that they perform a vital role in industrial processes, commissioning reports are critical to ensure the equipment functions properly at a component and system level. For example, if there are blocks, adverse pressure variations, inadequate piping, or inefficiencies in compressed airflow, it can result in poor functioning and waste of power. Ultimately this has a bearing on productivity, cost, and safety. 

How Fielda helps enhance compressed air system commissioning reports: Commissioning reports involve diverse stakeholders from OEM technicians, machine operators, and inspectors. Fielda helps simplify the process of planning and validating commissioning inspection reports. Inspectors can quickly adapt checklists to suit the various component and system-level tests required, observation notes, and detailed calibration and performance readings. Teams can instantly share information with collaborators and quickly align on the next rapid equipment readiness testing steps. Fielda also helps senior leaders gain instant access to status reports and vital metrics to evaluate work in progress and provide additional support where needed.   

Capture: Collect data in customizable checklists for comprehensive compressed air commissioning tests and reports

Review: Collaborate and co-ordinate efficiently through silo data sharing across teams 

Comply: Review work status and plan next steps with real-time access to reports and dashboards


About Fielda: Fielda helps companies manage and maintain their assets and gain real-time oversight of all tasks, workflows, and projects to improve operational efficiency, enhance team productivity and impact the bottom line. Whether it’s installations, inspections, repairs, replacement of parts, servicing and maintenance, or routine audits, with Fielda’s mobile data collection, GIS-enabled technology, automated and custom workflows, and analytics, you can eliminate errors, enhance response time, ease workflow bottlenecks, and simplify your field operations.

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